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What's the greatest crime of the 21st century, and why is it a 21% functional illiteracy rate among US adults?

" Social controls intensify in service of a vague and predictable resentment. De­corum is endlessly renegotiated. New forms of authority and litigiousness come to dominate human affairs and yet hold to no positive law. The young person is given the choice between participation in this stilted pantomime of discourse on the one hand and resigned disengagement on the other."

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"... emotions [must] be cauterized at the source. To be mature now is to fend off any incursions of the world on the self. The central task of the therapeutic system is to suspend this state indefinitely, to manage an increasingly feeble impetuousness of life"

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"A strange new ethic of detachment is emerging: one must never allow oneself to feel, to commit, to sin or to repent, to stake one’s ground. Options must remain open. As the structures which have lent direction to the individual fall away—civil society, family, courtship, apprenticeship, citizenship, patronage, education, belief—the self is at once bared to the world and made limp. Masks drop, relations flatten—and the walls around the heart and mind draw tight in defense."

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Regular reminder that thesis-antithesis-synthesis isn't an idea we receive from Hegel but Fichte, with a basis in Kant's table.

Democracies need tigers. I have always believed this.

This causes minor discomfort for the parts of my identity that are organized around tolerance, forgiveness, and healing, but so what. That's a "me" problem.

There's probably something maladroit in the way that I described guys "getting" ladies, so sue me I guess.

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Hotness is situational creativity. But when people are seeking for a stable self-concept, they'll hypostatisize a concept of hotness from a handful of encounters and play those as a finite game.

It's important to observe the infinite game of hotness.

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I honestly think that one of the most instructive things that anyone can do is to hang out in a public space and see what kinds of guys get what kinds of ladies.

Observing this stuff first-hand is too painful to be constructive. People can't handle the egoic pain most of the time.

People understand themselves symbolically. A big part of that symbolic self-concept is informed by the way that society responds to Eros. But society's response to Eros is updated over time.

They got caught in a hail storm while loading the trailer. These lovers are simply not star-crossed.

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FWIW, the shooter "only" killed a six-year-old in the neighborhood next to campus, so we're sweeping this one under the rug with regard to campus safety.

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Neighbor lady divorced her husband. A new guy has been hanging around. Today his truck is here and he's moving her out (it's the husband's place). They're already fighting.

Probably doxing myself here, but it's only been seven years since a guy attempted to kill a bunch of people on a college campus with a truck attack. Now at a different campus there's a guy who just killed someone and he's walking around with a long gun. This is America.

Friston's aesthetic (and the Schmidhuberian thesis that seems to have captured his imagination) incompletely Schillerian. For Friston, action reconciles world and inner representation, just as play-drive reconciles sense-drive and form-drive. But the problem is that Friston doesn't give sufficient weight to the subjective moral freedom that Kant introduced to the tradition of moral philosophy.

It always makes me laugh when people act like rural New Hampshire is isolated and low population. NH would be the hyperdense metropole if it were transplanted into my area (intermountain west).

There's huge business potential in whoever can create an AI assistant interface that "translates" between live calls and a chat-like message format.

A lot of normie businesses are irrationally wed to the phone, and a lot of modern clients only want to operate through chat.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one