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danzaburou boosted
danzaburou boosted
danzaburou boosted

cant believe people would openly assault an institution with an approval rating hovering between 10 and 30 pct for the last decade

@cell its fun to pretend to be new but i know all the spc accounts are huge oldfogs

danzaburou boosted

@lain based rationalist refuses to believe that latest model monkeys are ruled by mental cartoons

danzaburou boosted
Although you can probably learn more about consciousness by dropping acid than by reading 'ai' 'philosophers'

@coyote so if I read correctly, I can't truly trust anything unless it's built from something ultimately built from (or a tool with a chain of trust to) a compiler in machine code i've made myself?

even the linux from scratch fails this test

@elixx @feld fed doesnt like deleting posts,
basically decentralizing social network andying post.

i.e. unask the "should/shouldn't twitter ban speech" question because the premise that twitter should exist at its current power levels is wrong

danzaburou boosted
danzaburou boosted
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a Schelling point for those who seek one