Update: I'm now @danielfilan.com on bluesky social.

I guess on priors I should expect people who were at twitter should be better at this?

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Worst feature is they don't seem to have a website yet.

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I'm going to be real: it kind of looks like the AT protocol used at bluesky social is going to work better than the thing mastodon uses. I maybe expect to end up there? I'm @dfilan.bsky.social

When was the last time you threw something at a wall in anger? Select the first option that applies.

Have you ever thrown an object at a wall in anger? || Have you done so in the last two months?

Epigram for mechanistic interpretability:

"We are now writing algorithms we cannot read. That makes this a unique moment in history, in that we are subject to the ideas and actions of [something with a] human origin, but without [even potential] human oversight."

- Kevin Slavin

Fine video but worse than I would have guessed - was hoping for a discussion of when mechanistic reasoning works, why it fails so much, etc, but it's mostly case studies in people being wrong. youtu.be/NmJsCaQTXiE

One of my most obvious-to-me hypocrisies is my preferences about speaking during movies. When other people do it it's maddening: makes it impossible to hear and understand the dialogue. But when I do it it's fine.

My review of cubing: fun as ever, but hard on the wrists.

What's the probability that Musk will be head of twitter on January 1st 2023?

Oh also Words Bubble Up is nice and colourful (Mishima film also has nice use of colour)

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OK it's actually also that I have context about Japan and its culture.

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I think the thing I mainly like about Japanese literature and film is that it comes from a culture that has continually had to seriously reckon with the tension between preserving a national culture and achieving greatness/abundance/excellence by Westernizing, which tends to produce interesting stuff IMO.

Anyway as you can see I haven't actually watched all that much in the grand scheme of things so do let me know if you have recommendations. (5/5)

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This film combines a depiction of some of his novels with a quasi-biographic take on his life, focussing on the day he attempted to start a coup, failed, and killed himself. As well as doing AFAICT a good job at depicting Mishima's aesthetic vision, I think it also helps you see Japanese ultra-nationalist violence as part of a broader phenomenon that includes modern-day Islamic terrorism. (4/n)

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a Schelling point for those who seek one