Is it possible to see the list of servers that your instance knows about? That would be helpful. It would also help if the list of servers blocked by your instance were publicly available. -federation

@pee_zombie A RESTful API with python list syntax (unless it's JSON--looks like python). Many thanks!


@pee_zombie Gee, numerous instances:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import ast
import requests
from sortedcontainers import SortedSet
def getPeerSet(url:str) -> SortedSet:
r = requests.get(url)
return SortedSet( ast.literal_eval( r.text ) )
instance = ['', '', '', '']
peers = SortedSet()
for inst in instance:
url = 'https://' + inst + '/api/v1/instance/peers'
peers = peers.union( getPeerSet( url ) )
for elt in peers:

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