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@WomanCorn I use Yubico keys. Would rather use TOTP than an app, since I despise my cellphone. At least TOTP works with BitWarden, which incarcerates passwords in their cells in almost humane conditions. Almost.

Serious question: when an effective altruist asks another one out, do they ask, "are you bioavailable?" I'm trying to "toot" something that will fit in on Mastodon.

is short for "Homo Glutanus Cranium." Glutanus has one job: to moon the bad guys. The sentient trashcan's job is to dredge up the past.

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A program I wrote for the REYAX RYLR998 LoRa module. Still working on it.

Here are two (three if you count the bird) of my characters: Glutanus, left and the sentient trashcan right.
-trashcan I suppose this "belongs" on, even though it isn't manga

@niplav OK I must revisit the arguments marshalled by certain philosophers against EA. Factory farming is worse than awful and the prevalence of easily preventable disease is disgraceful.

@adiz Thank you. I see that there is Mastodon, and then there is Bastardon.

@adiz This is one reason why I wanted the list of peers of a given instance, and of the blocked instances.

@niplav Text fails to convey the good-natured skepticism on my end. Here I rely on the comment of Prof Brian Leiter, who writes, "Anyone familiar with the history of religious cults will hardly be surprised by this. It is certainly not a refutation of EA, of course: the problem with effective [sic] altruism is that it has nothing to do with effectiveness (or even well-being), and everything to do with what is measurable in the short term and thus reportable to the capitalist media."

@niplav I was led to the post via Not surprised these effluvial altruists feel they have to be compensated for the 10% of the income they pledge to give away.

@niplav I read about the effluvial altruists a couple of months ago. Very slimy. More like effluvial alfalse-ists

@niplav Ah, recursively Effective Altruists. Do you think it would have made a difference in the FTX/Almeda fiasco? These people must be young to be preoccupied with mating, yuckk.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one