RT @stlouisfed
U.S. employment grew by 11.8 million from December 2000 to December 2020. And that gain was due to increased employment of people age 60 and older http://ow.ly/Y0Cf50DolUB
RT @rlaosg
@InternetFlexing @bellathegal @frecklesbian They also explains the lack of eyes and tongue, removed from the body by wild animals, and the radiation was caused by the presence of thorium in the lamps. It’s all in a National Geographic article
RT @Aelkus
full employment means full employment
@paul_hundred https://twitter.com/HNTweets/status/1356623422877499397
RT @basedgowron
DO NOT STICK FORKS IN ELECTRICAL OUTLETS https://twitter.com/Titsandnuggies/status/1356301343368105985
@Navertal what the fuck is that defense?
RT @AlanMCole
Journalists I am begging you please just sometimes talk to an adult over the age of 27 to make sure your story checks out.
Just one adult. Like a 40-year-old with kids, not another recent Wesleyan grad who lives in your group house with you. https://twitter.com/JackoWest_3/status/1354930038928453651
RT @michaeljburry
There really can't be another GME. Nothing else is/was even close to as shorted (100+% of float), so small (microcap) and so hated/ignored/dismissed prior to the #thebigshortsqueeze. It was a uniquely perfect set up. There won't be another like it. Much like #thebigshort.
If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.