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RT @VivaLaPanda_
Anyone have any reading on why it's not viable to use an inhaler style delivery method for mRNA vaccines?

RT @lorigraceaz
It's always been a bucket list shot for me to capture lightning striking the monolithic peak known as Elephant Head in the Santa Rita Mountains southeast of Tucson, AZ. Last night I got just that!

RT @normonics
Within the next couple of years, "decentralized" will become associated with "white supremacy"

All must be centralized and those who resist are terrorists.

RT @_metallurgist
“how do you take off your shirt?”
“one arm at a time, but if i had more than two arms, you’d see that my approach is actually o(log n)”

RT @paul_hundred
Update: having now read the article, it's really important we talk about the legacy of white supremacy that continues to generate disparate outcomes. Every crime has two victims: the person of crime is a victim, too, arguably the biggest one.

RT @ZolbarSakusun
marco rubio has struggled with a different, less publicized kind of 'havana syndrome', but sources inform me that it's now under control with powerful antiretrovirals available only to republican congressmen

Re: Taliban opium ban in 2000. From a 2009 USIP paper. They WSB'd the heroin market, these guys really get how to play the game

RT @KenBearIsland
@michaelcurzi This is why I think being woke and being alt right are basically the same thing. It's an ideology for the online. If you're powerless, dont own anything, and need an enemy, these state religions are there to let you hate your neighbor and be content doing nothing

RT @clamatoes
dad called me in ‘15 from a mall 500 miles away & was like “have you heard this song before?” & sang Taylor Swift’s ‘We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together’ & I go “yah it was a hit 3 years ago” & he says “how can they play this in the mall? this is the worst song in the world!”

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a Schelling point for those who seek one