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RT @MelancholyYuga
A trolley is hurtling down the tracks, about to run over five people. You can pull a switch, diverting the trolley to an empty track. No RCTs, however, have ever demonstrated a link between switch-pulling and mortality reduction. Neither have you received any training or accredi

Would be amazing if Labour didn’t play contrarian on this
RT @NicolaWillisMP
National is calling on the Government to pass urgent temporary legislation to make housing easier to build, and has offered to support the law change through Parliament.

It’s time for the two major political parties to work together to address our housing emergency.

Cringe: wanting to be liked

Based: wanting to be loved

protip, if your only butter has been refrigerated 🤬 leave it in the sun for a few minutes before spreading

But I’m not super optimistic, since elite overproduction is still a thing.

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I don’t have great thoughts on solutions. Maybe UBI + making it really easy to fire people and for corporations to fail? UBI means that’s not catastrophic for anyone, and hopefully means people can retrain and find where they are a good fit.

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A lot of people are in jobs they are not good at, and the best you can hope for is that they just get nothing done.
Often they will instead create work for others.

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Regulation of an industry correlates in that regulation usually means more humans are required to assure compliance-> larger firms, more room for dysfunction to fester.

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Any organisation. The only advantage private enterprise has is that it is more often allowed to fail and start over, and there is redundancy (competition) to fill the gaps when that happens.

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Once any organisation has enough dysfunctional people in it (maybe as low as 5%) it will shed competent people who are tired of the bullshit faster than those who are too dysfunctional to find a better position.
RT @drethelin
I think the massive multi-government failure on covid is probably the same sort of thing that causes cost disease.

We have a system that’s to a large extent run by and for bullshit artists.

First read this as "penises" and liked it anyway
RT @garblefart
"pennies only exist because the zinc industry bribes congresspeople to make sure they continue to be produced" is such a microcosm of america isn't it

the amount of code that is just getList()[0] and somehow still works is terrifying. It's like Y2K times 1000

RT @koaleszenz
thermonuclear take: being a good person often means not immediately jumping to the conclusion that people who disagree with you are evil. wild fucking concept, i know

There are programmers whose chief opinions are functional: what kind of problems some piece of code can lead to, vs those whose chief complaint is aesthetic "not functional enough", "style guide", etc.

I am losing patience for the later every year.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one