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unironically: this is basically how market work
RT @chercher_ai
ask any of these metronomes how they got synced up and they'll tell you that they did it themselves

Guy who only buys toilet paper and milk at the store (lactose intolerant milk addict)

RT @nzsd
there are two wolves inside you but both of them are actually Types Of Guy

brb, going back in time to kick Abraham in the balls
RT @interpretantion
I mean if literally the goal is to change the timeline arbitrarily uh then the bible?

RT @tony_ferraro7
reposting this meme as a reminder with warm weather right around the corner

RT @Economissive
Because the blame lies with a Government that doesn't make such decisions financially viable

RT @wilks_isaac
Americans have been psyopped into thinking that cooking is hard. Yes ofc real culinary arts are hard, but to cook well all you need are fresh ingredients, salt, and butter

This is what happens when your food system is captured by the processed food industry

Reminder to parents and care givers that your child can be amazingly happy and well adjusted but a 2 year old is still gonna find something to meltdown about daily.

Time Cube is a GPT back through time to warn us about the internet

Anyone else feel like their mortgage advisor is the only adult in your life?

Who decided to call it Car culture and not the Autobahn Society

Government frequently does not do things well, but if you are a part of government, campaign on "government doesn't work" and then govern poorly, you can't just go "See!" and think it proves anything except that you don't work.

There is this implicit belief I never see questioned that enlightened spiritual teachers believe and want to uphold some version of our collective moral principals and only fail because power corrupts.

RT @JamaalBowmanNY
Good morning.

If some are concerned about the wealthy getting relief payments they don’t “need,” let’s raise the taxes on the rich after we pass $2,000 monthly survival checks.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one