I'd love to see steelmen of:

* unschooling (okay, school is bad, but what would be better? what about all the covert function school fulfills (e.g. breaking children to actually function in industrial society and not be undisciplined hunter-gatherer equivalents (which is necessary for the golden-egg laying goose of capitalism to function), functioning as a grit-test, daycare etc))


* foreign intervention in afghanistan (if you're doing it for moral reasons, why not effective altruism global health & development instead? geopolitical reasons are ~meh, afghanistan seems just not _that_ interesting geopolitically (very poor, only mediocre amount of resources, maybe interesting because near China & Russia), perhaps you're training your military/funding the military-industrial complex? but even if Keynesianism is true, can't you just destroy a lot of goods instead of killing

* both YIMBYism *and* NIMBYism – many people have very strong feelings about this, but I don't feel like I actually understand them deeply enough (even though YIMBYism makes prima facie a bit more sense – of course you want more houses where people want more houses!). But I haven't thought this through at all.

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