The Orthogonality Hypothesis is obviously true, the Factored Cognition hypothesis is obviously false, and who can tell about the Fundamental Theorem of Finite Factored Sets?

@niplav could you expand on this? I'll try to do it myself as I explore these topics, but asking in case you want to expand :)

@agora [[2021-09-19]]


@flancian @agora it's mostly a joke riffing on the quote "The axiom of choice is obviously true, the well-ordering principle obviously false, and who can tell about Zorn's lemma?"

@flancian @agora I think the OH is obviously true, and the FTOFFS has been proved, so there's no question there (the joke being that it's kind of hard to grok at first), and I think the FCH is true, but I'm less sure about it than about the first two

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