ok i guess people might like it if i post some maths resources
the idea is that these are supposed to be pretty readable/understandable for the subject they teach

Calculus, M. Spivak (undergrad calculus)

The Higher Arithmetic, H. P. Davenport (undergrad number theory)

generatingfunctionology, Herbert S. Wilf www2.math.upenn.edu/~wilf/gfol (enumerative combi done with power series)

An Infinitely Large Napkin, Evan Chen (everything done way too quickly)

The Nature of Computation, Mertens and Moore (eclectic intro to theoretical computer science)

anything by 3blue1brown youtube.com/@3blue1brown

generally wouldn't feel too bad about not finishing any of these


@alexthecamel people who finish textbooks are higher beings

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