Both Qan*n and AI porn are the type of hypermedia that will increasingly define public and private lives in the developed world.
As sarsaparilla and pool halls compare to crack and heroin, so too do these hypermedia compare to the hypermedia of the future.
More and more hours of our conscious attention will be consumed by spectacular visions that give us both our reasons to live as well as the secret shames that haunt the subconscious.
> New religions and mystery cults explode across the planet; much of the Net is unusable, flattened by successive semiotic jihads.
my own take (incomplete):
@niplav reading now
@niplav it's very interesting, but am I reading it correctly when I read that much of the body consists of undeveloped headers? I ask because I might be making a reading error.
@cosmiccitizen yeah that's correct…maybe shouldn't have linked until it's finished (never)
i'm not sure i'm live-writing: everything is an eternal draft, while i simply chip away, chip away…