@pseudoriemann @niplav it isnt everyone cup of tea. some people love standing desks some done use them ever after buying them.
im more on the sitting and lying (very much this) around route all day but offsetting it with frequent workouts and yoga.
sitting itself is not bad (atleast all studies i found. did not look deeeeep into it). sitting and not doing any fittness is.
also stand up regulary. to fill up your bottle or whatever.
important thing is to focus the eyes regulary on different distances and keep the muscles flexible. afaik the harden during the 30s 40s infecting heavily the quality of sight. it seems to be key to train the muslces in that time frame. im younger rn now but trying to build a good habit. glarring 6h everyday without a break on a object 50cm away from you is quite bad.