Sleeping Doomsday Quandary: coin is flipped, if heads, SB woken up on Monday, if tails, woken up on Monday and Tuesday. She wakes up and sees a calendar that says Monday.
50% probability she sees Monday upon waking up if it's Tails, and 100% she sees it if Heads, so she does a Bayesian update.
From 1/2 Heads to 2/3 Heads (halfer position), or from 1/3 Heads to 1/2 Heads (thirder position)?
(not much depth to this I was just thinking it's SIA vs SSA so how can I make it actually be the Doomsday Argument)
(this tweet kind of assumes you know the existing Sleeping Beauty Paradox
@TetraspaceGrouping person who links the lesswrong tag instead of the wikipedia article
a Schelling point for those who seek one