Subject: Your CFAR reimbursement request has been received
100 USD for "Prize for [LessWrong] 2021 Review (Post Prizes) copy". We'll get that processed within a week.

I almost deleted it as spam. But it's... real, what?! Two years ago I posted some tech rants on LessWrong (making that post was the only thing I ever did on the site), and now I'm suddenly getting paid? :blobcatsurprised: Play max(paperclip) game, win max(paperclip) prizes... It does help to pay my AWS bill of the month though. :cirno_comfy:

Yes, don't delete! They give prices for good posts. As a hikineet, MFW the first paycheck in my life came from the Doomsday Paperclip AI gang... ​:woozy_baa:​ I have another article in my Draft, untouched since 2022, now my chance of finishing it in 2023 is slightly higher... You know your procrastinating peers are also on LW when the site has a "hide this draft" feature.

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