One extremely common unix commandline thing I just absolutely don't get is these hundreds of cryptic character soup aliases for things like git.

Stuff like gcam for git commit --amend --message and gp for git push (or was that git pull?)

Especially when these are added by some plugin or framework and so you have a ton of barely-mnemonic commands that you didn't even add.

I just don't have the brainpower to remember these.

I'm not kidding when I say hundreds, btw.

Oh-My-Zsh ships 186, by my count.

Some actually add some functionality (gbda will, if I understand it correctly, delete all merged branches), but a lot are just "gbs" for "git bisect" and "gbsg" for "git bisect good" and "gbsb" for "git bisect bad".

When I'm bisecting, typing the commands is the absolute least of my worries, and a single-character typo marking a commit wrong would be much worse (especially given that "b" and "g" are right next to each other on a qwerty/qwertz keyboard!).

I don't get it.


@faho Oh, pre-written? That's not how it's supposed to be like. The other way around is better: should flow from muscle memory into the computer, not the other way aronud

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