I hate travel i hate travel i hate travel

@niplav Any particular kind of is the whole thing just overwhelming?

@Paradox the whole thing is overwhelming

I could strand anywhere


@Paradox yes: imagine you're in poland, you don't speak polish, your phone is dead, none of your credit cards are working, you know nobody... Horror scenario

@niplav So basically you feel like an absolute fish out of water anywhere you go?
That sucks.

Sometimes I muse about slowly feeling my way around the local language, but realistically it would be extremely stressful due to the sheer amount of new things I'd have to account for and the life I have to get back to.

@Paradox it's not *that* bad

but I like having a sure place to go back to. Having a home in a days walking distance feels much safer

@niplav The way you phrase that makes me wonder about where you live and what you do normally, because it seems outside the sphere of things I'd expect to hear.

I'm not going to ask about it, because it's probably personal, but it's very interesting to me anyway. Or maybe I'm overthinking it.

As long as I can access a phone, I should be good. Although if I ended up in, like, South Dakota, that would still be difficult even if I could tell my mom "hey yeah I got randomly teleported a thousand miles away".

@Paradox let's just say i live in a city in Europe, and ~all people around me are less skittish around rravel than I am.

I probably ~always get back home if I got lost but it might be more expensive than I like and I don't like spending money

Similar with losing things on the way, and I'm disorganized enough that I just often lose stuff

@niplav That makes some sense. I hear a fair amount about euro friends traveling to other countries, one because you can do that in less than a day and two because you can do that by yourself, at least more easily than Americans can. So I imagine travelling about is more ingrained in the culture there.
We do also travel a lot, but we don't travel far. Maybe back in the 60s, when hitchhiking for a few hundred miles was just normal.

You should maybe invest in a backpack of some sort.

> You should maybe invest in a backpack of some sort.

It's best when I get onto a train at A and get off at destination B with no changes inbetween, also leaving me with some time for essential daily rituals which are otherwise disrupted by travel

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