Excessive metacognition undermines recursive self-trust between subagents

Thus: Epistemic rationality is counter to instrumental rationality?

Unless you develop a metacognition which is good at finding goal-representations which subsume subagents values and allow for tradeoff

@niplav so, one strat i've been using for ~1 months: whenever some subunit wants us to do A, but other subunit (me) wants to do B, i give pay the first subunit's happy-price with (vegan) chocolate as currency. i bought a stack just for this purpose. ~embarrassingly, it seems effective.

note: the chocolate isn't *reward* for "winning" a conflict w subunit. it's to pay happy-price for doing B, so parts can harmoniously do B. if subunit has no happy-price, i often just do A.

@rime nice! Inspired by Wentworths Why Subagents?


@rime also all your subagents like vegan chocolate?

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