That's as far as I got with the parts here.
The upper compartment will hold the resonant capacitor and spark gap, I think I'll make that a bit smaller

If I play my cards right I might be able to build this entire thing while having to buy nothing but the primary caps!
That means I have more budget for them, but it also kinda bothers me, lol.
Found this copper tube for the primary and some thick acrylic for the holder, maybe I can finish that today

I have tried and I have failed.
This definitely was not the right way to go about winding a 45° coil.
I'll redo and print the holders this time instead of lasercutting from acrylic, and I'll have the tube clip in instead of wind through, that was such a pain!

One 40 hour print later and they came out PERFECT!
The 6 mm copper tube clips in really well, can't wait to form the primary around them!

10ish primary windings, and one (probably optimistic) strike rail!
Still some cleaning up to do tho.
Next step will be the spark gap!

Half way there!
I like how it turned out, looks properly chunky, at least for this size tesla coil

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