Brian Tomasik

(believe me, I tried to add more insects)

@niplav I was positively buoyed the other day by the fact that the speech-to-text AI (I think it was OpenAI) I used recognized the name "Brian Tomasik". Windows Voice Access, however, spells it as "Thomasik".


@rime what do you use speech-to-tex for?

@niplav Writing with it is much faster than writing with my keyboard. The annoying part of it is that it spells things right. It makes things long.

My Task-Manager / Time-Tracker / Note-Taker / Schedule-Keeper / Context-Shower / Thing-Framework-Setup is very much incomplete, so at the moment uh I can say "new task" to iterate Toggl Track, or "new note" for simple notepad (usefwl eg at night), but far from all that I want with it.

Voice commands are very convenient, but hard to get used to.

@rime my assumption was alwaxs that the linux distros I use aren't great for voice recognition sogtware, but now with whisper maybe it's good?

@niplav Whisper (and others) is adequate for speech-recognition, especially if you're just aiming to use it for dictation and not have too thick of an accent.

It probably gets German accent (or whatever you have) better than Norwegian accent, though!

I haven't tested these:

^ That last repo made by Johannes. Consider it a person-recommendation!

@niplav Another thing I use STT/TTS for is being able to quickly ask fact like questions without leaving my computer-free-zones desk/couch/bed. I get too deep into looking things up if I actually use the PC.

Google Assistant is good for very well-defined questions (e.g. "what's the elimination half-life of 5-HTP?"), and has the advantage of not being able to confabulate plausible-sounding answers unless it has a source.

@niplav For GPT speech, I currently use VoiceWave¹, because it allows keywords like "send" and "clear". I talk to myself a lot, so it's important that I be able to control what's actually sent. OpenAI's app stresses me out.

There are better tools for this, including open source and customizable (e.g. KoljaB's repos²), but I haven't prioritized setting setting up yet.

² See RealtimeSTT and Linguflex: (owo, so many updates since last time!)

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