Wonder whether the hot romanian at my bootcamp is into me
Fellas is it normal for a woman to hold steady eye contact for >60 seconds in conversation?
@Paradox asked her out & got rejected 🤷
@niplav Rough.
Didn't expect you'd ask, given what I knew of your relationship status. I suspect I'm out of date.
@Paradox yep, I'm back in the arena
@Paradox and I enjoyed the iron-sharpens-iron again
@niplav Pleased to hear that~ ^_^
@niplav A bittersweet statement.
@Paradox some things just don't work out
@niplav Really curious about your relationship between your enjoyment of the pickup game and the kind of girls you look for.
I looked through your site. Thought I remembered reading a post about your thoughts, but I couldn't find anything that looked like it was on the subject.
@niplav She's very distracted by a weird vein but it would be awkward to bring it up.
I hope you enjoyed each other's company. ^_^