Discourse: Cost Disease 

So I was considering cost disease again, as I am occasionally wont too. For those of you who don't know, Cost Disease is the observed tendency for everything in a developed country to get way more expensive, constantly and forever. See: slatestarcodex.com/2017/02/09/

And I had a thought. For the average person, housing is the majority of their expenses, right? Or pretty close? If so, that means that housing is the primary cause of the cost of labor.


Discourse: Cost Disease 

@Angle I think that Georgism predicts that housing will become the major driver of labor cost, but in affluent societies I think that's not right at the moment—many people are far above subsistence level, spending money on holidays, entertainment, eating out &c, which are fairly capital- and natural resource-expensive.

But cheaper housing would still be awesome, perhaps on par with open borders

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