Hm, MediaWiki makes it hard to attribute a part of text to a user—this makes asking someone about their reasons for adding something difficult, and perhaps encourages deletionism?

@Paradox …not sure what you mean. I'm talking about attributing a specific part *of the article text* to the user that wrote it, which is orthogonal to the citations it contains, right?

I don't know what this is designed to do. I was just thinking you could put a regular citation in the text and say "credit to BlueLagooner" in the references section.
Unless I misunderstand something.

@Paradox yeah, Wikipedia editors usually don't do that :-)

@Paradox ah, "attribute" as in "figure put who wrote what", not "say that X wrote Y"

I was ambiguous

@niplav A little bit, I guess. I understand now that you want to attribute contributors to the text, which is different from attributing sources of the text's content.

@niplav For a wiki, that'd probably be more acceptable than Wikipedia. But they do have edit history, but it is difficult figuring out who did what and when, since all you can do is compare versions.

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