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i have quoted
the s-expressions
that were nested
in the code

and which
you were probably
for evaluation

forgive me
but the syntax
was so expressive
and so concise

@flengyel I will note that I'm pretty involved in the effective altruism community, and claim that most of them do not feel that they have to be "compensated" for any donations or direct work.
It also doesn't seem to me like EA is *worse* than the median community in the same reference class about with the same gender ratio.

I also think that EAs are mostly doing what everybody else is hugely dropping the ball on (up to and including things that are outside most people's conception of altruism)

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wish i'd more openly registered the opinion that EAs shouldn't date each other

nice to see that Ziz is living the maoist dream: stabbing landlords with samurai swords[1]


(note that the above is not strictly true: her *friend* stabbed the landlord, but I was willing to overlook that detail for snappiness)

Leahy's dictum: Thou shalt not footgun theyself.

Do not criticize rich people for giving their money away. No matter the intention you (believe to) perceive. Rich people follow incentive gradients, they like not being criticized. So if you criticize them giving away their money they will stop.

(differential levels of praise dependent on motivation are still good)

Surprising that implementing ADAM with numpy is like 20 lines

I would've thought SOTA to be more complicated than that

@stavvers ah, sorry. didn't mean to come off as obnoxious.

pro-tip: answers to security questions can be saved in a password manager

@genmaicha did ya know that diabetics can have as many dates as they want, without health consequences?

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the peter thiel question, or "i'm gonna get downvoted for this"

harberger taxes on domain names with a simplicity prior.

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solarpunk slightly hindered by the fact that for solar panels and cutesy robots you need industrial-strength chipfabs that are so advanced we have like 6 of them in the entire world

Will I ask out the thick one

The Markovian argument against reparations

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a Schelling point for those who seek one