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Pascal's Wager doesn't go far enough:

Granted, the Christian God offers infinite rewards, but as far as I can find this is always in terms of "eternal" life or "eternal" communion with him, and so we can be confident that he is offering rewards only as large as the cardinality of the continuum.

So come on down to Crazy Georg's Omega Plus First Church of G...d: If you can conceive of a God advertising any size of infinite reward, G...d will match it.

staring at JSON until I notice the patterns

@Paradox I mean I (/Claude) made the numbers up for illustrative purposes, I tried for ~a minute to find real numbers but couldn't and then didn't care enough 🤷

@Paradox not based on a formal survey but recently had encounter which showed me the power of fat tails (distributions where one side approaches zero slowly)

some women are really lucky and don't use that luck nearly enough

@Paradox yeah gesturing at "orgasms per time" or something (maybe per weekend ;))

table of content for posts on the site!

thanks Claude

@Paradox (many thanks to my good friend Claude for writing the code for this)

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Today I learned that the word "loot" was nicked from India in colonial times

Hypothesis: if you take means/totals, there is no orgasm gap between men & women

Yet the medians are vastly different

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Is ease of orgasming distributed with a long tail?

Especially in women

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a Schelling point for those who seek one