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is the smallest rabbit species smaller than the biggest snail species?

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I have updated your probability distribution. Pray I don't update it any further.

the crossing of a trit and a bit is a brit

incomparability only ever appears in stated, never in revealed preferences

is the biggest snail bigger than the smallest rabbit?

I have aligned your AI system. Pray I don't align it any further

niplav boosted

more static web pages please. bring back the inertnet

Things that are a fact in ℝ³ but not in ℝ²:

* You can embed any graph
* Random walk never returns to origin (in expectation)

Any others?

Tolkien (having heard only the first question) *takes a deeeeep breath*

niplav boosted

Cosmic horror of a sort, poll 

If one could destroy the rest of the Milky Way galaxy without impacting life on Earth, what would be the moral weight of actually taking this action?

EDIT: For the purposes of this poll, assume no aliens live in the Milky Way galaxy.

harberger taxes and land-value taxes are in P, Pigou taxes are in NP

what's the equivalent to the flicker fusion threshold for hearing/tasting/smelling?

“danger lives at my hairtips” she pouted and downed the day-after pill with two finger widths of tequila

niplav boosted

Breaking Bad would’ve been awesome if Jesse was on that airplane when it exploded, fell all the way down into Walter’s pool and then said “yo, my plane just blew up, bitch”

@Erik You ask me. 3 people just boosted my graph theory∩utility theory post which was just definitions

In the context of making inconsistent preferences consistent, these are fairly strong results.

Not sure about their approximation behavior, but I think this makes becoming a coherent agent very difficult.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one