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niplav boosted

No, I do not, in fact, "love AI". In fact I fucking hate it and its repercussions.

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Both: "Can't¹ everyone² just³ be⁴ nice⁵?"

¹²³⁴⁵: hundreds of pages of footnotes

Gibbard's theorem is a restricted case where Goodhart's law is unavoidable

Unicode doesn't distinguish between a dollar sign
with one and a dollar sign with two strokes, which makes me sad.

performing a million moleFLOP on the common crawl
to cultivate a new gradientspawn

faux-translating “estrogeno” from esperanto, it means master-hormone or master-chemical

I don't remember where I first read this, but: A government's OODA loop is ~6 months long.

How long is *your* fundamental OODA loop?

niplav boosted

we have no moat, and neither does openai


drums in the deep learning

they are coming

I want to live to see the Betelgeuse supernova in the sky


@rq Let's implement *all* minimal spanning tree algorithms in Ocaml

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a Schelling point for those who seek one