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snitches get stitches, bitches get skritches

midjourney prompts: the buddha as a roman senator

roman buddhist monks Good base stat to know, though
Value is in structure of the energy provided+inelasticity bc of supply

@Erik @kaia Trying quite hard to post a ½-horny vid in response

long posts are great

posts should be longer @dym
Makes sense. (I disagree, but I understand the sentiment) @dym Fair enough. Direct carbon capture is ~10x more expensive (as the MIT article claims, ~$1200/ton). This would indeed make it more difficult to pay the externality. @dym

So they might be able to pay off the training externalities in ~2 years, more if they also pay off the cost of running the model. @dym If you spend 1% of that on carbon offsetting you can purchase carbon offsets for $24k, which amounts to ~250 tons of carbon (at ~$100 for capturing a ton of carbon[1], using things like preventing rainforest deforestation, and this report[2] says it's more like $10). This page[3] estimates that training chatGPT produced ~550 tons of carbon.

[2]:, p. 83
[3]: @dym

I agree that instituting a carbon tax that captures the true externalities cost of the training & running would probably increase the cost to users, though I'd venture a guess that this would not dissuade OpenAI from training & running the system at the given demand.

Let's see. 100mio. customers. Let's say 1% of those pays for plus. $20/month for a year is $2.4 mio./year. @dym
That is a claim one could make (to that strength) of many new technologies (e.g.: microwaves, bicycles, internet wikis).

Also, I think the users, if asked, would claim they are now doing better. @dym
Hm. Would you claim that the people using GPT models right now *don't* need them?

long post is long 

Penalty method
Barrier function
Horsey Horseless
Shiva hypothesis
QED manifesto
List of important publications in mathematics
Test functions for optimization
Twiddle Factor
Heinz Werner's orthogenetic principle
Inductive bias
Absolutely Nobody
Cenn Fáelad mac Ailella
Proteus phenomenon
Witsenhausen's counterexample
Bathtub curve
Quantum tic-tac-toe
Assurance contract
Zero one infinity rule
Henry George Theorem
Scitovsky paradox
Pari passu

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long post is long 

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Common misunderstandings of genetics
Scientific misconceptions
List of common misconceptions about the Middle Ages
Common English usage misconceptions
List of common false etymologies of English words
List of common misconceptions about language learning
Islam in the Arctic
Zablon Simintov
Anscombe's quartet
Degrees of freedom
Margolus–Levitin theorem
Filler text
List of military slang terms
Stanford bunny
Eilenberg–Mazur swindle
Boring Billion

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