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I didn't realise that the issue was hardness, not volume

I don't have experience with dog chewing toys

Interesting! I have a different experience, but I usually don't make physical things, perhaps that's the difference?

Is current LW discussion more civil/interesting than Usenet discussion

This would also explain why for many people the main source of meaning in their lives is their job: it's the only place they create.

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Claim: It's well-known that in terms of long-term satisfaction, buying experiences>buying things, but probably the real hierarchy is making things≫buying experiences>buying things.

How about we bring back "methinks" instead of "imho"?

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They follow this up with another proposal, "move to hollywood and do fraud"

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Asymmetric info has biggest relevance in one-shot high-cost purchases.

Jobs are not in that category very much: repeated medium-value transactions with high info content early on.

But one can make asymmetric info more important, e.g. by making it harder to quit/fire quickly.

Also the reason for focus on used cars as examples in asymmetric info teaching

Sila can just be to work on an assignment first thing in the morning, before meditation

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a Schelling point for those who seek one