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Thoughts had while thinking about the dynamics of Omohundro sludge, where there's meta-dynamics of trying to outwit on higher orders all the time, while keeping in mind all the lower orders of the game

Also related to fix-point solutions for regress problems

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Might sometimes result in differential equations on smooth functions where one can take the infinitieth derivative of a function

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Differential equations where one variable also determines which derivative of a function is used

f^{(k)}(x) = log_{x}(k)

Using fractional calculus of course

I wonder what the simulators think about my recent life decisions

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@rime eh whatever we're paraacademia

Academia can seethe and cope

@rime oh shit Braess is a Nash attack? And vote splitting too?! This goes deeper than I thohght

@rime eh whatever we're paraacademia

Academia can seethe and cope

@rime I think I sort of get it? Commoditized complement is a weaponized Nash equilibrium upstream

@rime oh yeah, there are many better programming languages

@rime wouldn't you commodify the complement of things your monopoly depends on?

Rationalist honesty norms are trauma-caused

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🪐 governments are such a sham, why are department leaders other than the prime minister not called the composite ministers

Llama model distribution is commodification of complement if I've ever seen one

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a Schelling point for those who seek one