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@rime They need to add a whole lot of other stuff to unicode, e.g. sub/superscripts for at least all latin characters, a dollar sign with two bars, and probably some others I'm forgetting (

@rime I actually don't have Autohotkey! I'm using and

vis-digraph |
dmenu -l 10 -nf black -nb white -sb '' -fn $FONT |
awk '{ print($2) }' |
tr -d '\n' |
xsel -psb

for a wider selection

@Paradox It's gonna get a lot of use by me as well—when I don't get something, I just send ␅

@Paradox Hm.

(​) (zero-width space),
123456⁄123456 (fraction slash)

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@V @nova

Well, I would consider pure replicators propagating to not be *eu*genics, on the account that they are not very *good*¹.


Have you considered not converting physical tension into philosophical despair

Someone should tell Jim Simons about Effective Altriusm

Why didn't they add a dimension and call it tesseragda @amy

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a Schelling point for those who seek one