dimwit: people are too lazy, too little is happening
midwit: but if you do too much, you risk running into addictive processes & self-reinforcing loops; credit-assignment is hard and goodharts law looms everywhere
synwit: yet: we see high-variance societies with lots of innovation doing useful & better stuff all the time, look for actions bounded below but not above, if you're good at optimizing you're probably also good at discovering that your optimization has gone haywire, thousand flowers!
@cosmiccitizen i will now stop writing about this because the topic is fraught with misunderstanding and subject to much empty debate
know how to deal with algorithms/mathematical structure, because I *really* want to be a mathematical/algorithmic platonist, but if you pressed me to actually present my best-view-considered thought I'd just deny that algorithms exist (which makes difference hard to justify)
I don't deny the hard problem, but I think everybody else misunderstands it ("not about unifying consciousness and matter, but qualia and algorithms")
the ground is actually consciousness, since that's the thing that is in acquaintance knowledge. you never *see* a rock, it's just that-swirl-of-visual-qualia over there (figure). causality still runs the way it does, but it runs on qualia (panpsychism is a straightforward implication of this *unless* solipsism is true, which I think is scarily likely (nice solution for egoism if you have moral uncertainty!))
mathematical structures: that's where they get you. i don't actually 2/3
1. this is a shitpost (posts that start with a lower-case letter are usually tongue-in-cheek)
2. functionalism goes "actually, algorithms/mathematical structures are the more fundamental thing (ground), consciousness is just a set of specific patterns instantiated in matter (figure). nothing beyond that" (i think there's two versions, one taking mathematical structures as ground, the other doing a weird hybrid of "algorithms instantiated in matter"). but i claim that 1/2
I spent 15 minutes showing my wife how to use AutoHotKey to automatically type her office hours schedule into text boxes (since she types that a lot).
Now her idea of date night (grandma takes the kid) is to go to a bar with our laptops and figure out what else about her job we can automate. True love.
Limit: Hours in the day, brains in the skull
This is the approach taken with Nock (the underlying language for the Urbit Operating Function): The first version is 5K, and each change in the language decrements the version number.
The last possible version is absolute zero (0K). We're currently at 4K.
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].