mathematics is a lot about studying things that are the same but look different from different vantage points
see e.g. the different[1][2] articles on tensors
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tensor_(intrinsic_definition)
@axiS hell yea new blog dropped
@Azure verb: using complex mathematics in an argument where the math is not necessary
more at [1]
@flengyel welcome back
@niplav heh, funny how that works out sometimes :D
Well off the top of my head I'd probably be promoting:
#1 Diaspora for the best depiction of virtual persons I've ever seen.
#2 Schild's Ladder for the adventure of unleashing a universal X-risk and the race to halt it.
#3 Permutation City; all about Cellular Automata so good but also weird cults too?
#4-N pretty much all the collections of short stories which have some vcool concepts
Orthogonal is bit weird, no Relativity in the setting :!?
Yeah I skimmed through the first couple pages of Schild's ladder and this looks *exactly* like the stuff what's up my alley
In which niplav undertakes the easy step of formalising a concept:
I operate by Crocker's rules[1].