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These are REAL sheep, herded by REAL shepherds

Also nicely excludes some things that are Not My Job™, such as choosing which person to align the AI to or what to do about people who instruct AIs to do Bad Things™

Then I can say "that's *not my job*, sorry. talk to the policy people"

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Started calling making any AI system try to do what any human wants my job

feels interesting

Were Neanderthals more intelligent than homo sapiens are today?

@why That sounds good

I'll close the tab now and go move some metal through space

more math cults

@why my ingroup wanted to be a math cult but devolved into a suicide cult I think


@why is it *really* a cult if it isn't exclusive? i don't want normies in my insane ingroup

@why there are only two types of cult: sex cults and suicide cults

the challenge is to invent a new kind

niplav boosted

@chjara guy who comes back from a 6 week vipassana retreat with a renewed appreciation of shitty javascript frameworks

@tulpa Hm COMBINING LETTER THREE DOTS ABOVE does not render quite as I want it to…

chugging the melatonin pills to keep my energy from making me explode

you might be thinking: “aha! so I should vote in elections, since even though under do()-calculus, the decision has a miniscule impact, there are many agents that are logically correlated with me, which means my influence is much higher!” A tiny problem is that the number of agents that are logically correlated because they base their decisions on logical correlation is, ah, not *that* big…

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a Schelling point for those who seek one