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@sj It still baffles me that micropayments didn't work out

Is it just that our financial system is *not equipped* for <1 ct transactions?

If an agent technically "cooperates" but computing the conditions for cooperation is computationally intractable then the agent isn't truly cooperating

Engaged in modal combat with institutions

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A significant theme in my life is actively choosing not to Goodhart and then being punished for it

Lesswrong fads:

• "Akrasia"
• "Gears-level"
• Nootropics?

@rime This is individually risky but socially beneficial, so I will not dissuade you! Forward-chain on

In the spherical market in perfect vacuum, difficulty of hiring=difficulty of firing

Breaking news: local anon maybe doesn't need to do all that stuff

niplav boosted

my brain is *not* able to deal with the word "schemaless"

What if we kissed in the 'petertodd ' region of latent space


To be clear (contrary? to my previous reply) I don't really think the market for altruism is efficient yet, and will not be so for quite a while

Transfer from high to very high to extremely high utility projects—no idea

When I look back the backchainers didn't do very much cool stuff (?)

Weirdly many good things come from stumbling & sweat (Haber-Bosch process, electricity, reducing biomes…)

@rime I don't know whether I buy this :-)

Like, yes, good tech brought into the world only needs to be brought into the world once, but then one needs *maintenance*.

"We know how to kill Moloch, but it's not glorious, just tedious."

See also Ostroms work on Governing the Commons

There's levels to this! If we have a decreasing marginal returns model & weakly efficient market for altruism (vis à vis EA) we get a bunch of difficult but useless problems + few medium — difficult useful problems

But one can also be good along some axis, e.g. being able to deal with boring/tedious/stupid/low-status stuff that has high leverage

And then there's also problems which, if solved, unlock many low-hanging fruits cascadically

@rime Yes! It's surprising this works at all, but it does sometimes

Sexuality, *probably* weird racial role-playing, racism, internalized racism 

I found one of the stranger websites today

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a Schelling point for those who seek one