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@rime also it sounds like you're developing a really deep geometric intuition for derivative and integral, which I absolutely don't have

So learning late could be an advantage

@rime tho the construction can be hard if you can't start from the empty set

(if you try to abolish 0 then you're also at odds with the empty set, which is quite tricky)

@rime i might be unhelpful here, but this sounds a bit like you want the upper half of the surreal numbers?

@rime i get cirlces are triangles now! Half circles are overweight triangles

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Pleased to announce the newest Mastodon feature on antitemporal quote toots. Simply write a new toot and click the retrocausal boost 🔃 button below the text field, then select any existing toot from your feed. That existing toot will be altered to embed your new toot, as if it had been quoting you all along.

We're trusting our users to be polite when anti-quoting strangers' toots, so please, be kind! ❤️🙏✨

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I observe often that I don't care as much about participating in topics that were past battles of previous internet generations—e.g. IQ & heritability fights, eugenics fights, open borders fights, feminism/harassment fights, privacy fights &c. But there surely was the second-to-last internet generation that fought different battles—what were they? I can think of encryption wars (Bernstein vs. US gov), abortion (?), atheism & religion of course, which others?

@rime i... I don't get it

I'm the earthling

The solution to sexual harassment in a community is that all the men become romantically and sexually formidable outside of the community. Every other solution results in too much repression, or in clumsy advances, or in a suboptimal number of romantic and sexual relationships

@agentydragon someone needs to review the entire evidence here

In general havong Debate be not robust enough to ~always work (see also Obfuscated Arguments) is a bad sign

@Paradox - This is obviously making many assumptions, but my intuition is even if you relax the assumptions to sort-of-realistic levels, you still get effects that are much weaker but still present.
- ¹: You can see all the internals of everything, but you're not powerful to perfectly foresee what everything is going to do. Similar to how in programming one can see the source code, but generally can't predict the output of a specific program.

@Paradox If you can describe not just the decision algorithms around you, but all possible decision algorithms (weighted by some prior of their likelihood of existing), someone bluffing would downweight your trust in *decision procedures in general*, and if many others also implement this idea of "trust based on similarity to previously trustworthy algorithms" idea than someone bluffing reduces trust between everyone, across all of reality.

@Paradox After all, couldn't it be that for every decision algorithm, there's a different decision algorithm that does the exact opposite?
- This is an empirical question, but I think it's not true that this symmetry exists. Instead I think most decision algorithms are pretty similar.
- It gets weirder:

@Paradox - Now, in the case where you empirically but not logically omniscient¹ and have an acceptable M, you could then see someone bluff, compute their similarity to all the decision algorithms around you, and correspondingly update to trust them more (or less).
- You might ask why this would in expectation *damage* the overall trust around you:

@Paradox (For example: If I bluff, I don't think that a version of myself who has yellow shoelaces instead of brown ones will *not* bluff, but a version of myself who has taken MDMA is different enough that they might decide not to bluff).
- I don't think such a metric exists, and I've spent a little bit of time thinking about how it could be constructed.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one