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Mastodon vs. Twitter/an ideal platform:
* Markdown in twts
* Quote-twts (allows for a really nice type of interaction, I could qt myself in a conversation to show "Yeah, I've thought about this beforehand", creating more of a web of twts)
* Non-algorithmic timeline is great, less attention-sucking
* No notifications for "x liked a twt you boosted"/"replied to a reply to a reply…"

otoh i don't trust gov to do pigovian taxes well either

niplav boosted
Q: What's yellow, and equivalent to the Axiom of Choice?
A: Zorn's Lemon.

Iri is an irregular Esperanto verb
Couldn't Zamenhof have switched ili & iri? "Iri ilas al la kafejo" Would be much nicer

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Trying to adjust to
Californian life does not
go without trouble

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reaching equilibrium in my lighter collection – finding as many as I loose/break

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@Orca 如果特朗普真要互联,绝对是一场狂欢!除了左派的屏蔽,更值得一提的是他们可能会遭到混沌邪恶的右派喷子各种骚扰和恶搞——上次 Gab 的管理员被这群人气疯了,在视频里大骂 "Your whole fucking mentality has expired, hahahahaha!!!",成为了联邦宇宙历史上的一大笑话。

slowly dipping my genitalia below the sanity waterline

I metta really loving and kind person today

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arctomantic (adj)
pertaining to divination by means of bears

* A closed-form solution for the problem describes in this video: (maybe not lesser-known? But it doesn't even have its own Wikipedia page!)

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Lesser known unsolved mathematical problems I find unreasonably fascinating:
* Is the Leyland-mapping injective?
* We have Kadane's algorithm for the maximum subarray problem, which runs in O(n), is there an algorithm for the maximum submatrix problem which runs in O(n²)? What about higher-dimensional tenors?
* The polyhedral numbers conjecture: is every number the sum of m+1 n-hedral numbers, where m is the number of vertices of the polyhedron. Does it hold for any n-dimensional polytope?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one