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r strategy poster by day, K strategy poster by night

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Come to fedi, we have
⭐Miserable programmers!
⭐Anime girls!
⭐Regurgitated birdsite topics!
⭐People who actually watch anime!
⭐Memetic hazards!
⭐That one guy who uses his real face as a profile pic!
⭐Japanese guy posting pictures of his shiba! Look at those neck folds!
⭐Guy who keeps replying without being asked to!
⭐Pls untag me

* cookie warnings (1 warning/(person*day)*5 seconds/warning*365 days/year*4 years*750 mio. persons=5475000000000 seconds (since GDPR was instituted), at 5€/hour that is 5475000000000 seconds*1 hour/(3600 seconds)*5 €/hour≅7.5 bio. €—is the benefit high enough to justify this? what *exactly* is the benefit even supposed to be?)

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Some civilizational inadequacies (besides the other obvious ones)

* most of Europe still uses manual-shifting cars
* ceramic plates & cups made of glass that break easily
* non-velcro shoes
* courses at university are not 3b1b + Q&A + extensive questions (or automated tutoring a la DARPA)

niplav boosted

@Yujiri is writing a long site, and it's good

very russian vibes

Okay, goal: figure out mechanistic interpretability so that if i get hold of Gato i can see whether it's relying on a few conglomerates of "agency" neurons

LW question about CFAR activity

additional question: what's going on with CFAR these days? gone?

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(Un?)related point: take the winners of the first decade review (

7 of them are "fluffy" posts, a lot more concerned with the vibe of EA. this feels — lacking, in some way? maybe a bit too much?

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there's definitely a thing going on there which was definitely lw/forecasting influenced, these very small thought patterns

reading thousands of blogposts on this does increase your depth, imperceptibly at first

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going to an ea conference has showed me that i'm now a medium-age EA (as in, i've been in EA longer than most people I talked to at the conf)

which is *weird*

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a Schelling point for those who seek one