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i objected to your elders like that, young man!
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reminder: sargon of akkad is still going strong


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image description: political compass, with various lesswrong votes strewn across.

karma+agree is at slightly libertarian, slightly right; only karma is at medium libertarian, medium right; only disagree is at medium libertarian, medium left, disagree+downvote is at hard authoritarian, hard right, upvote+disagree is at medium left, slightly authoritarian, downvote+agree is at strong-ish libertarian, center; neither is at slightly authoritarian, slightly right

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ai alignment is great bc nobody knows what it should be, so you can do whatever you want and call it alignment.



i want to commit violence

some people just shouldn't be given the responsibility to create datasets.

the words “brier score” are used inconsistently: sometimes they just refer to the MSE of the probability assigned to the correct outcome, sometimes they refer to the MSE of the sum of the probability assigned to the correct and the incorrect outcome.

“The geological study of Antarctica has been greatly hindered by nearly all of the continent being permanently covered with a thick layer of ice.”

is the “takeoff” of fundamental physics in the first half of the 20th century mostly due to the industrial revolution?

goal: develop strong opinions about vector fields and where to stick wires into people's heads.

even if cause X came along now, people wouldn't be able to update towards it within a year.

niplav boosted

After thinking more nah its probably just people reading the arguments not first in Bostrom or the sequences.

So it's probably fine

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Maybe I underestimate how much I've steeped in LW content,

but barring that it looks to me like updating on status?

Or smth idk

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a Schelling point for those who seek one