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im glad the russians are villains again we had some pretty good movies back when we did that
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I wanted to take a shower like 2 hours ago but got carried away by shallow internet articles about biochemistry

evopsych is confused by persistent conflict between mothers-in-law and spouses—don't both want to maximize the number of children? i don't see any conflict arising for evolutionary reasons

lack of exasperation at the inadequacy of the world

“i can't do *that*! that would be weird” — real inadequacy hours

the problem with civilizational sanity interventions is that you have to go through an awful low of known insanity before hitting any new interesting insanity

s it therefore strategically better to not try to drive people *out of crypto*, but trying to drive good people into crypto? as a sandbox for civilizational sanity interventions (musingsandroughdrafts.wordpres)

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the downside of crypto seems quite limited, much more than the upside of crypto is limited (though conditions apply)

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niplavistan has no advertising, but if it had, things would be advertised by “made by a machine”, and “handmade” would be a bad property for an object to have

minimal case for blockchains: right now a class of very select people has a monopoly on creating & testing enforceable governance mechanisms. also, these enforceable governance mechanisms are often underspecified: it's often not clear how to apply them, leading to corruption in ambiguous cases. DAOs (and in general distributedly running unchangeable code) are avenues to perform many different such experiments—the cost of starting a DAO is *far* less than starting a new country, and it's

it's crazy how we basically haven't tested any nuclear weapons in ~30 years

how much did large volcano eruptions in the past change agricultural output?

you know that you've made it when you're using fermi estimates to debug your rl agent.

rationality is developing strong opinions about things nobody has ever thought about before.

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a Schelling point for those who seek one