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long post is long 

Current list of interesting short Wikipedia articles:

Haldane's rule
Transposable element
F1 hybrid
Duggan–Schwartz theorem
Gangway (nautical)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Continuous performance task
Porteus Maze test
Amusing Ourselves to Death
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
The Shallows (book)
Huang's Law
Chinese Buddhist Canon
Tibetan Buddhist Canon

Flatmate and I have a dynamic where we send each other obscure wikipedia articles

He sent me, to which I replied

niplav boosted

No, I do not, in fact, "love AI". In fact I fucking hate it and its repercussions.

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Gibbard's theorem is a restricted case where Goodhart's law is unavoidable

Unicode doesn't distinguish between a dollar sign
with one and a dollar sign with two strokes, which makes me sad.

performing a million moleFLOP on the common crawl
to cultivate a new gradientspawn

faux-translating “estrogeno” from esperanto, it means master-hormone or master-chemical

I don't remember where I first read this, but: A government's OODA loop is ~6 months long.

How long is *your* fundamental OODA loop?

niplav boosted

we have no moat, and neither does openai


drums in the deep learning

they are coming

I want to live to see the Betelgeuse supernova in the sky

Also nicely excludes some things that are Not My Job™, such as choosing which person to align the AI to or what to do about people who instruct AIs to do Bad Things™

Then I can say "that's *not my job*, sorry. talk to the policy people"

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Started calling making any AI system try to do what any human wants my job

feels interesting

Were Neanderthals more intelligent than homo sapiens are today?

more math cults

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a Schelling point for those who seek one