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We must secure the lightcone for all future beings that share our cosmopolitan values

Semiquine (a program that only outputs its code, but never halts); prefixquine (program that outputs its code, but something after that). Trivial other versions are postfixquine, substringquine, prefixsemiquine.

The existence of Ramanujan is pretty weird, as far as cognitive systems go.
Like, what process made him literally dream up correct elliptic integrals?

Privatizing Antarctica with severance taxes to fund global UBI

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Desire, wish, value, want, utility, preference

Reach heaven through research consulting

When running an RCT on yourself, you still get half the benefit in expectation¹, but you also get the value of information, so it should be surprisingly cheap

¹: at least, more if placebo effect applies

Is "chatbots are mostly used by women" good or bad for daygame?

This toot was written on the unceded lands of the usenettites

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just learned about zizians. thats fucked up. can we at least make rationalist cults that are, uh, not altering your fundamental ability to be rational? well, orthogonalists, am i right.

Thoughts had while thinking about the dynamics of Omohundro sludge, where there's meta-dynamics of trying to outwit on higher orders all the time, while keeping in mind all the lower orders of the game

Also related to fix-point solutions for regress problems

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Might sometimes result in differential equations on smooth functions where one can take the infinitieth derivative of a function

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Differential equations where one variable also determines which derivative of a function is used

f^{(k)}(x) = log_{x}(k)

Using fractional calculus of course

I wonder what the simulators think about my recent life decisions

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@rime eh whatever we're paraacademia

Academia can seethe and cope

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a Schelling point for those who seek one