I operate by Crocker's rules[1].
[1]: https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/crockers-rules
Unusual unicode characters near me
Top ten weirdest Unicode characters.
Have you considered not converting physical tension into philosophical despair
Someone should tell Jim Simons about Effective Altriusm
Why didn't they add a dimension and call it tesseragda @amy
3d printers scaling laws/curves
"Does the market have random-walk nature?"
The "I dont expect your children to die of old age" to "we are all the same age in years left" pipeline
I am always surprised about the degree to which normal people don't understand the stock market
Only white people can be racist. Other ethnicities lack the moral, intellectual and cultural abilities to b
Time to shed some followers
I guess onlookers can figure out for themselves that PUA actually works
Fighting the urge to fight stupid dating takes on cross-site
BRHS: BCHS but with Rust?
If I were a Shard Theory person, I'd say that constitutional AI is a next step in training AIs in the similar way that humans are trained: Reinforcement learning from interacting with other agents, starting with a simple set of values
[[Cause X]] Create ontological libertarian free will (if it doesn't exist) - Same but for objective moral truths & God
Ah well there was an attempt
inb4 it's that Stripe in general doesn't like me credit card
a Schelling point for those who seek one