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What if we kissed in the 'petertodd ' region of latent space

Sexuality, *probably* weird racial role-playing, racism, internalized racism 

I found one of the stranger websites today

I honestly adore the sex-negative feminists attitude towards sexual orientation:

heterosexuality is a skill issue, just nietzscheanly redirect your sexual orientation to the best one, decided by your logical faculties


Animal welfare intervention: making us able to talk to animals

Also: Why are basically only Indonesians studying the effectiveness of the Pólya method

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One of those abstracts where you feel like you're having a stroke

Classifying quantitativity/degree of expansion of a change in perception

Correction: Schleswig-Holstein is too small, let's give them Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Then Germany only has to move ~1 mio. people

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Potentially less great for making Europe less antisemitic, but I think this would've happened anyway

Also Europe would be much richer/advanced with all the Ashkenazi IQ goodness

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"But everyone in Europe hated the jews"

Well, and the people in the places around present-day israel didn't?

"But Germany wouldn't've agreed"

Germany was *rubbles* after the war, they didn't have any say in what was happening anyway

"But you would've had to move a lot of Germans"

That's fine, everyone was moving around anyway

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Since Israel is *tiny*, they could've had more land than over there: Just take, I dunno, Schleswig-Holstein and give it to the jews of the world

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We could have avoided the israel-palestina conflict by the allied forces just yoinking a piece out of germany and declaring it the new jewish homeland

Have your financial investments outperformed the stock market?

Have I mentioned that I dislike rhe Java ecosystem

This Pangram contains four a’s, one b, two c’s, one d, thirty e’s, six f’s, five g’s, seven h’s, eleven i’s, one j, one k, two l’s, two m’s, eighteen n’s, fifteen o’s, two p’s, one q, five r’s, twenty-seven s’s, eighteen t’s, two u’s, seven v’s, eight w’s, two x’s, three y’s, & one z.

I remember saying this in multiple conversations, and I've been shown to be correct

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a Schelling point for those who seek one