I operate by Crocker's rules[1].
[1]: https://www.lesswrong.com/tag/crockers-rules
Shapley values are NP-hard to compute, right?
"Don't take that! That's my emotional support Pareto improvement!"
Conversation stalling sometimes hapoens because both people consider themselves low status
I want to run EXPERIMENTS on myself and the fleeing onlookers and report LIKELIHOOD RATIOS for making OPTIMAL DECISIONS
More concretely: if you need infinity X to be content you have goodharted X
And whose fault is that?
Meditation micropractice via moodpatterns random notifications+data gathering
TODO: wikipedia article on Slaters problems
TODO: collect all instances of Romeo Stevens media appearances
"misinformatiom" is a conflict-theoretic notion
Cool site: https://mflb.com/
Black ball prevention minarchism
Hm parahumans X SCP might work
Worm Balenciaga
Romeo Stevens is a very interesting and original thinker
Some good chuckles were chuckled
Amazing at capturing the character's vibes
a Schelling point for those who seek one