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Arbitrary X aren't Y can mean:

* All X aren't Y
* Almost all X arent Y (real numbers, computable)
* Many X aren't Y, some are, and the two groups are hard to disentangle (SAT problems, sovable in polynomial time)
* Few X aren't Y, but we haven't found a way to distinguish the ones who are from the ones who aren't, and can generate arbitrary X that aren't Y (violations of strategy-freeness in voting theory)
* Almost no X are Y, but same situation as above (don't know example)

Related: fully/partially/barely mapped out positive space and fully/partially/barely mapped out negative space

EY better to be criticized for being imprecise

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Out of all the things EY is wrong about, they[1] picked… p-zombies, decision theory and animal moral patienthood as central examples‽

Come on! There's so much better stuff


Meditation practice *after* a retreat is much more important than before a retreat or at random times during the year

Oh boy time to develop strong opinions on forecast precision

I have developed strong opinions on forecast precision

Okay let's go home and do some fucking forecasting research or smth

Is current LW discussion more civil/interesting than Usenet discussion

This would also explain why for many people the main source of meaning in their lives is their job: it's the only place they create.

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Claim: It's well-known that in terms of long-term satisfaction, buying experiences>buying things, but probably the real hierarchy is making things≫buying experiences>buying things.

How about we bring back "methinks" instead of "imho"?

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a Schelling point for those who seek one