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Ugh 5 (maybe 6) other daygamers at location today

Gotta diversify

From which to which fields do scientists udually move?

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We already had the wave of physicists, we are still waiting on the shoe to drop on topologists, but THE WAVE OF CRYPTOGRAPHERS INTO NEUROSCIENCE is the single most promising thing that i can imagine for the discipline. I have been wailing about this for years, but if as a neuroscientist prof you were to go to attend the cryptography 101 seminar at your university, you would be LITERALLY ON FIRE with good ideas and one million obvious experiments that should be done.

i sorta "give away free research agendas" as a way to survive in academia and the one i wish most someone would pick up on is NEUROSCIENTISTS COLLABORATE WITH CRYPTOGRAPHERS so they would hire me.

reading @ansuz :

#neuroscience #cryptography #interdisciplinary #transdisciplinary #disciplinesAreFakeAnyway #ItWouldBeSickToBeInTheNeuroHackerLab #NeuroHackerLab #SomeoneWhoIsGoodAtDoingGrantStuffMakeTheNeuroHackerLab #ICantDoThatPartButICanDoTheOtherStuff

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> He was shot in the face, head, stomach, ankle, leg, hip, and ear; was blinded in his left eye; survived two plane crashes; tunnelled out of a prisoner-of-war camp; and tore off his own fingers when a doctor declined to amputate them. Describing his experiences in the First World War, he wrote, "Frankly, I had enjoyed the war."[4]

Some people are just built different God damn
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the mythopoetic significance of the anglerfish

I guess people could argue SGD is strong enough to just remove all deception in the first pass when it's still weak

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Misalignment in cancers and antibiotic resitant bacteria, and selecting against is not enough

"as a X-"
"no. NO. fuck off. Go into the deepest hole, curl up, and breathe the cold air. Smell wet moss. Reflect on lichen, your distant cousin, fungiing there on the ground nect to you. What would the lichen say? Words of deep harm, letters from millenia. Stay. Stay. stay the cline'd burrow."

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Phillip Trammels fixed point solution for infinite regress was a capabilities paper, and he should be ashamed

(i shall say no more)

Session yesterday, 12 weasels and a lot of warmup compliments

No approaches though I should do somwthing about that

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a Schelling point for those who seek one