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Why are Android app updates so big? Seems like they're never less than megabytes; surely some changes would be smaller than that?

RT @NathanpmYoung
midjourney? what happens at the end?!

Am I blind or can I only add photos I took with the camera to self-made albums in Google Photos?

Pretty sure I've said this before, but I find that, even as my follower count grows, I'm still basically happy with around 5-10 likes per tweet

Would've expected a faster ramp to the hedonic treadmill

RT @kendrictonn
"hey, here's a character who used to be a stormtrooper!"

"Oh hey, the arc will be aweso--"

"But don't worry! He's never actually done anything bad!"


"In fact he's a pretty normal guy!"


"He even loves blasting stormtroopers as much as any other hero!"


I feel like there's a lot of very important socioemotional things that I'm just absolute trash at

It should be illegal that my friends are too far away to hug

RT @frances__lorenz
If ea is a cult where is my assigned handler who tells me I'm doing a good job every time I'm stressed and holds my hand when I go take a snack break

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a Schelling point for those who seek one