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can only hope I end up having a kid like this
RT @mfpiccolo
The grifter: My 8 year old niece

The prize: Playing virtual hooky permanently (School Zoom calls)

The marks: My sister, my brother in law, the teacher, the school’s computer teacher, the principle and Zoom's support team

The con: How she pulled it off… thread

RT @Plinz
“But in late June of last year, when I approached Mr. Sisskind to discuss the blog, it vanished”

face book

that's it that's the tweet
RT @deepfates
it's a bad article but you got to admit this picture is awesome

sharing one of my favorite songs ever for those who've never seen it or simply forgot
RT @pareinoia

RT @abrahams_wife
so happy to have reached 2 years hrt!! i look back at that man i used to be and barely recognize him. thanks so much for all your support everyone 🥰🥰🥰

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a Schelling point for those who seek one